The owner of the company, Dennis Nuhanovic was dishonest with his business dealings time and time again. He demonstrated disregard regarding consumer communication and failed to comply with past pledges ad nauseum. He was guilty of egregious delays in work completion multiple times, and felt unobligated to uphold any professional standard.
This website details the accumulated instances of his actions, as there were too many examples to fit on an internet review. Requiring an engine rebuild on my 2013 Nissan GT-R, he officially began servicing my vehicle on 7/26/23. The initial step involved removing the engine and shipping it to RD Engineering for rebuilding - a third-party company in California specializing in GTR engine custom assembly/manufacturing. After this step was completed at the end of January, the engine was shipped back to Precision Motorsports. Upon arrival, the rebuilt engine was installed on 2/3/23 (a Friday) and began necessary tuning thereafter on 2/7/23. As detailed below, a series of multiple misdealings eventually led to an over 2 month delay in completion.
His errant behavior was reported to the Better Business Bureau. As seen in the email thread labeled "BBB Email" under the Emails section of this website, ultimately they deferred intervention and recommended I instead seek legal action. Unfortunately, I was not able to do so as the expected compensation was deemed to be nonprofitable in the minds of solicited attorneys.
Nevertheless, I hope this website serves as a warning to those who are considering Precision Motorsports. It contains photos of text communication between Dennis and I in the Text Messages section, emails with Dennis as well as related third parties in the Emails section, and recorded conversations in the Recordings section. The other five sections have to do with particular proceedings mentioned later on.
The photos referenced below can be seen under the Text Messages section of this website.
Photo 1: The first of many unfulfilled promises. After allegedly beginning tuning work on the vehicle on 2/7/23, I was informed that the car would be ready on 2/9/23. It was ultimately finished more than two months later on 4/27/23.
Photo 2: The first of many instances of unprofessional behavior. When the proposed completion date of 2/9/23 came and went (without any communication since 2/7/23), I texted him on 2/13/23. I received a reply stating that I would be contacted the next business day. This did not occur. When I texted Dennis at the end of that business day, not only did he display no remorse for his instances of noncommunication, he accused me of purposely contacting him after hours (as if this was inappropriate behavior on my part) - versus me simply awaiting their call as promised. He then went on to state (as seen in Photo 3) that the tuning process involved a total of 3-6 revisions - with a 24-48 hour turn around per revision. Such a timeframe would render his previous 3-day completion guarantee (as per Photo 1) as impossible. He more over stated that the tuning process began on Friday i.e. 2/10/23 - which was not only considerably later than his previously stated 2/7/23 start-date but also the day AFTER his pledged completion date.
Photo 4: With Dennis providing contradictory information regarding his tuning efforts, and stating in (as seen in Photo 3) that Ronnie of RD Engineering was spearheading the process, I emailed Ronnie on 2/15/23 asking when the tuning process would be complete. In response to this, Dennis oddly requested I do not contact him. However, Ronnie was quite supportive in my later communications via email (as seen in the email thread labeled "Ronnie Email" under the Emails section of this website) and over the phone - specifically a 4/24/23 phone conversation in which he was not only was courteous but went so far as to provide a phone number for texting purposes (which can be heard in the file labeled "Ronnie Phone Call" under the Recordings section of this website). One can only wonder why Dennis requested that I do not speak to Ronnie.
Photo 5: Dennis untruthfully stated that the business had been trying to contact me for the past 2 days.
Photo 6: Dennis yet again failed to uphold a promised completion date on 3/22/23. Not only was the pledged date of 3/24/23 not fulfilled (revealed after I had to initiate contact the day of, as opposed to Dennis reaching out to me), but he also stated that I would be updated on the car's progress in the weekend days ahead. This did not occur - leading me again to be forced to initiate contact the following Tuesday i.e. 3/28/23 (as seen in Photo 7).
Photo 7: Dennis yet again failed to uphold a promised completion date - this time of 3/30/23. He even used the term "absolutely" and upped the ante by stating that he would provide a refund of $150 - which he never delivered. Of note, regarding Dennis' additional claim of a free oil change, I did not entertain such an ordeal after my car was completed for obvious reasons.
Photo 8: After phone calls to Precision Motorsports the afternoons of 3/30/23 and 3/31/23 were unsuccessful in connecting with Dennis to see why his supposed firm guarantee was not upheld (with a related employee assertion of him returning my call not occurring as well), I informed Dennis of this via text on 3/31/23 at 6:30 PM - after waiting all day in hopes of him contacting me. Not only did he falsely claim that his employees do not give call back times - as the same employee again pledged a call back from Dennis at the end of the day during a later 4/11/23 phone call (as heard during the conversation labeled "Visit 4 11 23" under the Recordings section of this website) - but he also untruthfully claimed that his call back times were always within one business day. If this were true, my phone call on 3/30/23 would have been returned.
Photo 9: Dennis falsely stated that one more revision was required on 4/5/23 - only to later state that two revisions were remaining completion on 4/19/23 (as seen in Photo 10).
Fed up with Dennis' unprofessional behavior, I emailed Ronnie on 4/6/23 in hopes of better understanding the delay in my car repair. As seen in the email thread labeled "Ronnie Email" under the Emails section of this website, Ronnie replied that same day stating that the last revision he received from Dennis was on 4/7/23. Promptly completed and sent back to Dennis that day, he went on to say that as of 4/10/23, he had not heard from Dennis since. This contradicted past testimony by Dennis (as heard during the conversation labeled "Visit 4 4 23" under the Recordings section of this website) where he stated that revisions with Ronnie were notoriously slow and the main reason for the car’s completion being unnecessarily delayed multiple times to-date.
Following said information, I forwarded the above email thread to him asking for clarification due to his previous misinformation (as seen in the email thread labeled "Dennis Email" under the Emails section of this website). Dennis insultingly replied that he cannot “stop what [he’s] doing and hop on [the] car” – not prioritizing the vehicle’s completion despite multiple past unfulfilled completion dates. Additionally, he falsely stated that Precision Motorsports was closed on 4/7/23 – despite not only Ronnie stating the revision was sent to him by Dennis that day, but his employee also mentioning the fact that Dennis was in the shop on 4/7/23 (as heard during the previously referenced "Visit 4 11 23" conversation under the Recordings section of this website).
Photo 10: On 4/19/23, Dennis yet again failed to uphold a promised completion date of "no later than" 4/20/23. In line with his multiple past unfulfilled pledges, the day arrived without any correspondence from him. More over, he did not reply when I texted him late afternoon on 4/20/23 asking if the car would be ready the next day he never replied.
On 4/25/23, after speaking with Ronnie over the phone (the recording of which is labeled "Ronnie Phone Call" under the Recordings section of this website) as well as communicating with Alex Kallin of Boost Controlled Performance via email (as seen in the email thread labeled "BCP Email" under the Emails section of this website) it became clear that Dennis was being dishonest in his explanation of why the car was still incomplete - as both Alex and Ronnie attested to the tuning process taking no more than one week provided data logs were provided in a timely manner (which Ronnie had indeed been doing despite Dennis' claims to the contrary as previously detailed).
I consequently went to the shop in order to secure my vehicle and have it taken to BCP. I was told by Dennis that the car was not driveable and one final tune was all that was remaining. He pledged to have the tuning finished by the next day. On account of Dennis’ multiple past unfulfilled promises regarding dates of completion, I decided against waiting. I informed him that Ronnie stated the car was, in fact, driveable.
Dennis then decided to call Ronnie in my presence and put him on speaker. Dennis' untruthfulness was brought to light when Ronnie told Dennis and I that the car was driveable. In response to this, Dennis continued to refuse to return my vehicle unless I signed a liability waiver in conjunction with a nondisclosure agreement (an unconventional requirement, no doubt). He additionally falsely stated that there was a clause in the invoice that I signed stating that the car could not be released without completion (which one can see does not exist on the invoice copy under the Invoice section of this website). After reviewing the invoice on my phone to confirm this, I asked to see his copy of the invoice for additional verification purposes. He did not provide it.
Returning to the matter at hand, I again asked for my vehicle to be returned - mentioning that I would sign a liability form but not the nondisclosure agreement. Dennis stated that the liability waiver would only be provided if combined with a nondisclosure agreement – an unreasonable request in my opinion.
Due to the impasse, I was forced to notify the police. They arrived and stated the situation was a civil matter. Despite my concerns of possible embezzlement, they mentioned that nothing that could be done on their end aside from filing a police report (which can be seen under the Police Report section of this website). They ultimately informed me that either I sign the nondisclosure agreement and secure my vehicle today, or pick up the vehicle tomorrow after it was complete. I stated I would do the latter. Dennis, however, then yelled that he would not service the vehicle moving forward and the only way he would release my car would be if I signed the nondisclosure agreement. Given the change in circumstances, the police informed me that either I sign the nondisclosure agreement so as to secure my vehicle, or file a civil lawsuit. After pledging that I would pursue the latter option, Dennis yelled “you will lose!”
The entire visit was recorded and is partitioned into 6 files (i.e. parts 1-6) labeled "Visit 4 25 23" under the Recordings section of this website.
In the midst of the above nightmare, I notified the Better Business Bureau of Dennis/Precision Motorsports' impropriety behavior - providing all of the above evidence in support of my grievance. His reply to the BBB directed complaint (which can be seen under the Better Business Bureau section of this website) not only failed to address the issues raised but consisted of even more dishonesty as detailed below:
1) “This complaint was filed by a first-time customer of ours who brought his vehicle in after another local shop could not properly diagnose the engine problem he was having. We were able to find out the issue when performing a compression test, and then scoping inside the cylinders of the engine. We found loss of compression and damage within the engine.”
The local shop he referred to was Boost Controlled Performance. As seen in the image labeled "BCP" under the BCP section of this website, they performed a compression test. The test resulted in compression loss. Dennis’ claim that they did not properly diagnose the problem was not true. Rather, as seen in the image labeled "Precision Motorsports" under the BCP section of this website, the findings were similar to the inspection carried out by Precision Motorsports - with a marginal difference due to continued driving between the two shops.
2) “We were told that the engine would have a 2 month turn-around time, which did not end up being the case. This engine took nearly 6 months to get back to our shop. The very day it arrived back, we prepped the car and engine for installation, everything was buttoned up by the end of that same week. Whether you know about cars mechanically or not, everyone can agree that a complete engine replacement labor in itself is extensive and time consuming.”
The timeline of Dennis’ unprofessional behavior (beginning 2/7/23) occurred after the engine returned to his shop on 2/2/23 – as per Photo 11. Everyone can agree that the longer than anticipated time to have the engine complete before he began working on the vehicle would not be an acceptable reason for Dennis to be dishonest with regards to service dealings, disregard proper consumer communication, exhibit a lack of desire to uphold past pledges, and be personally responsible for multiple egregious delays in work completion
3) “…after the install Dennis had to tune the vehicle, as it would not be running with the OEM gasoline. There is also specified break-in procedures when an engine and internals run for the very first time. You have to let the vehicle run, change the oil, let it run some more etc. This is a time consuming process to ensure that the client does not have ANY issues with the engine after obtaining the vehicle back in their possession. After the break in procedure, the engine needs to be tuned. This is done remotely by the third party, while Dennis uploads the files to the car itself. This takes 8-10 revisions back and forth.”
Dennis previously texted (as per Photo 3) that the tuning process involved 3-6 revisions. In response to the BBB complaint, he then claimed that the tuning process was essentially two-times longer i.e. 8-10 revisions. Regardless of whichever time frame (if any) was the case, the point of his previous completion date guarantee being impossible to fulfill - as noted previously when discussing Photo 2 - remains true.
4) “On top of the time difference, local weather also plays into factor. The vehicle needs dry road conditions for this process. I think it's safe to say everyone knows Michigan is not known for its dry road conditions in February. So this also delays the process, which was explained quite clearly to Omar time and time again.”
Dennis' claim that I was informed of weather conditions being responsible for the amount of time required to complete my vehicle was not true. In fact - as detailed beforehand - in the many instances during which he failed to uphold his past pledges, he oftentimes did not mention any reason as to why the vehicle was still in need of service. More over, whenever he did provide an explanation for the delays, it was always untruthfully centered around Ronnie/RD Engineering (as detailed previously). Finally, to claim that weather conditions resulted in a week-long task (at the latest) taking over 4 weeks is ridiculous.
5) “Omar was instructed to bring the vehicle back for its 500 mile break-in oil change and exactly 500 miles, otherwise it has the potential to be catastrophic to the new engine. Omar completely disregarded this warning, and brought the vehicle back with an additional 1,200 miles.”
Attempting to shift blame to me, Dennis' claim that I was told to bring the vehicle back at “exactly 500 miles” was, as per norm, not true. Rather, (as seen in Photo 12 and Photo 13) he not only stated 500-600 miles when I informed him a day before in advance that I would be over 500 miles, he himself decided to delay the oil change for several days due to “being busy.” That does not reflect the actions of a person who is concerned about potential catastrophe - especially considering his ensuing text (as seen in Photo 14) did not object to me continuing to drive the car past 500 miles (along with driving it faster/harder than before).
6) “Omar took it upon himself to call the third party, not only record their conversation without permission, but at this point to record our phone conversations without consent as well. This is ILLEGAL in the state of Michigan. And certainly not appreciated, as I had spoken to him over the phone multiple times with no idea that this was taking place. This statute is also attached.”
For Dennis to state that a consumer does not have the right to speak with a business that not only is responsible for servicing one’s vehicle, but also to whom he/she has paid over $15,000, is preposterous. Additionally, if Dennis had not exhibited questionable behavior in my interactions with him beforehand, I would not feel obliged to pursue all efforts to detail his actions - which in hindsight was certainly the correct decision.
Finally, the statue that Dennis attached (seen in the first image under the Eavesdropping section of this website) in response to the BBB complaint pertained to eavesdropping i.e. a person not involved in the conversation being recorded. Delving further into the section he cited (section 750.539c shown in the second image under the Eavesdropping section of this website), it was not at all representative of the situation given all recorded conversations were between I and other person(s). Rather, with Michigan being a one-party consent state, I behaved lawfully in accordance with Sullivan v. Gray, 117 Mich App 476, 481, 324 N.W. 2d 58 (1982) and Levis V. LeGrow, 258 Mich App 175, 185, 670 NW 2d 675 (2003).
7) “On April 25, 2023, Omar entered our facility and proceeded to demand picking up his vehicle. The vehicle was not yet finished, therefor considered a potential public safety hazard. He also showed me of a recording with the third-party and himself on a phone call, where he proceeded to tell the third-party that he reported us to the BBB, as well as he is going to demand a refund. If we do not give him a refund, he will proceed to bash us "all over the internet". At this point, I felt verbally threatened as this business is our livelihood. We love what we do, we love our good clients. We told him that he could sign a waiver of any liability on our part, and after that have the vehicle towed home. Our attorney was contacted immediately to create his waiver. Omar did not want to wait, so he proceeded to call the police. The police told Omar that there was nothing they could do, as returning the vehicle in an incomplete manner is against our company policies.
Dennis impartially recounted the previously detailed events of my 4/25/23 visit to the BBB, stating that I was offered a "waiver of liability." An interesting choice of words, considering (as previously mentioned) he refused to allow me to sign a freestanding waiver of liability i.e. devoid of a nondisclosure agreement. This aside, it is within my right as a consumer to alert others when businesses are unprofessional in their dealings with customers. In fact, one may argue that such behavior is commendable as it is grounded in the welfare of the public. For Dennis to feel threatened by this speaks volumes.
8) “Additionally, we threw in a lot of extra parts for free. On top of cutting Omar's shipping expenses in half. He was not charged for his 500 mile break-in oil change, nor was he charged for Dennis' time updating the tune. This alone was a $1,500 value, on top of all of the free things we had already excluded from Omar's initial engine replacement. There was no damage to his vehicle, himself nor was there ever an issue with his new engine. The vehicle runs phenomonally. Custom things TAKE TIME. Custom furniture, pictures, engines. It's as simple as that. It states in our invoice that there is no refund on "Special Order" parts.”
Dennis decided to extend his dishonesty to the BBB in terms of costs. As seen in the invoice copy under the Invoice section of this website, there was no reduction in the shipping expenses. Additionally, I was charged for the break-in oil change and updating the tune - as evidenced by the highlighted portions of the document. Finally, there were no "all the free things" mentioned by Dennis specified on the invoice. As for Dennis stating that there is no refund in parts, one can plainly see that the numerous complaints described in this website all involve his unprofessional behavior as opposed to items related to the vehicle. On a side note, the reason why the "vehicle runs 'phenomonally,'" is due to RD Engineering - as they worked on the engine, not Dennis.